Widows Sons
Masonic Bikers Association
© Blue Light Media on behalf of Cheshire Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association
The primary objective of CWSMBA is for like minded Cheshire freemasons to simply use our motorbikes for ride outs, events, Rally's and general fellowship. If in that process we can raise a few pounds for Charity then all the better, so this we do.....
Friday 11th March 2022 a delegation of Widows Sons, descended on Bister Lodge No 8883 in the Province of North Wales to carry out a demonstration of the first degree ceremony.
Left to right
W. Bro Peter Williams aka Pigsy from the North Wales Widows Sons took the Junior Wardens chair.
W. Bro Ian Richards aka VFR from the North West Widows Sons took the Masters chair.
W.Bro Harry Shone aka Big H from the Cheshire Widows Sons took the Senior Wardens chair.
A great example of how Widows Sons members from three different Chapters can work together to achieve a brilliant evening of Masonic ritual.
We were honoured to have a stand at the Annual General Meeting of Cheshire Provincial Grand Lodge on 6th October 2021, where we also handed a cheque for £1,000.00 to the leaders of the Province as a donation to the Cheshire 2027 Festival.
October 2021 - We’ve had many considerable successes since our inception in April 2018 and in the true nature of Freemasonry, we’ve enjoyed the Brotherhood that bonds us together, whether it be on Rides out, tours, visiting one another's Lodges and Chapters and making considerable donations to Charity, be they Masonic or non-Masonic and despite the Pandemic, we have still been able to support our Communities and recruit new members. This short video sums up some of our successes in the last 3 years!