
Widows Sons

Masonic Bikers Association

© Blue Light Media on behalf of Cheshire Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association

Son Spring 2021 edition 1.pdf


Here we will add videos showing our Chapter activities

If you’re on YouTube, you can follow us here

(If you have any content to put forward email the Webmaster)

November 2020 - Due to CV19, our traditional Remembrance Sunday services were cancelled. However, not being perturbed, we got in quick before full lockdown rules came into play and laid some wreaths at various cenotaphs around Cheshire. In addition we placed Remembrance Poppy crosses against the graves of those that had received the Victoria Cross for the bravery in wartime.

The National Widows Sons hold a rally each year, which is hosted by one of the Chapters. An excellent opportunity for like minded brothers to meet and enjoy their time together, sharing ideas and having ride outs. Unfortunately the 2020 rally was to have been hosted by the Yorkshire chapters, which was further postponed in 2021. Durham will host in 2022 and Yorkshire will make a come back in 2023!

This video excellently made by ‘Sniper’ covers highlights of the 2019 rally at Lichfield that had been organised by the Midlands Chapters

Since our inception in April 2018, we’ve been a great group having fun rides out, tours, social events and in true tradition of Freemasonry we’ve donated over £11,000 to a variety of local charities and recruited new members to our fine organisation. This short video only briefly sums up some of our progress.