Widows Sons
Masonic Bikers Association
© Blue Light Media on behalf of Cheshire Widows Sons Masonic Bikers Association
Are you interested in joining us?
You do not have to be a Freemason to partake in many of our activities.
Our sub-group, called ‘Bad-Pennies’ consists of family & friends of Freemasons.
If you do not know a Freemason, but still interested, get in touch.
Click the below button to contact us
Naturally, to be a fully patched Widows Son, there is certain criteria:-
1) To be a Master-Mason in good standing
(i.e. A fully paid up and active member of a Masonic Lodge)
2) Have a motorbike
(Of a reasonable power that you can join with us on rides that often cover considerable mileage)
If you are interested in joining us or have questions about any aspect of our Association, Click the below link to use the contact form and we will get back in touch with you as soon as possible.